In celebration of Women’s History Month, it’s crucial to honor the legacies of women who’ve shattered glass ceilings and paved the way for future generations in fields traditionally dominated by men.

An early entrepreneur is Hetty Green. She was a vocal advocate for the financial education of women, a stance that was revolutionary at her time. She believed firmly in the empowerment of women through financial independence and literacy. Her assertion that “It is the duty of every woman, I believe, to learn to take care of her own business affairs,” underscores her forward-thinking perspective on women’s roles in society and the economy. Green’s advocacy for young women’s education in financial matters— from understanding bank accounts to comprehending the nuances of mortgages, bonds, interest, and its accumulation—highlights her commitment to fostering a generation of financially savvy women. I couldn’t agree with her more!

Another woman who I believe has influenced millions of women is Ruth Handler. She was the inventor of Barbie. Ruth significantly influenced women in America and beyond, primarily through her visionary approach to toys and female representation in the play industry. Her impact can be seen in many areas such as Expanding Imaginations and Aspirations: Before Barbie, most dolls represented babies or young children, limiting
play to caregiving roles. Also, Breaking Gender Stereotypes: By offering a doll that could adopt roles traditionally dominated by men, Handler challenged the prevailing gender norms and stereotypes. Barbie has had over 200 careers, including being an astronaut, doctor, and business executive, reflecting and encouraging the changing role of women in society. Barbie truly allowed me to image that I could be anything that I
wanted to become!

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention, Elizabeth Stribling’s expertise and keen understanding of the luxury market in New York City. She not only earned her a reputation as a top broker but also as a visionary leader in the real estate industry. Her commitment to excellence, deep knowledge of the market, and personal approach to client service have set a high standard within the industry. Beyond her achievements in real estate, Elizabeth is also recognized for her contributions to the community and her involvement in cultural and charitable organizations.

We stand on the shoulders of giants, and I am grateful for their contributions that have paved the way for women to survive but thrive in business!


  1. Dear Dottie,

    I hope ths finds you happy and health! I had the opportunity to read your recent article, “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants,” and I must say, it was truly inspiring. Allow me to express my gratitude and admiration for each key point you eloquently addressed:

    1. Acknowledgment of Mentorship: Your recognition of the pivotal role mentors play in personal and professional growth resonated deeply with me. Your emphasis on seeking guidance from experienced individuals showcases your humility and dedication to continuous improvement.

    2. Commitment to Learning: Your commitment to lifelong learning and self-improvement is commendable. Your proactive approach to seeking out knowledge and expanding your skill set serves as a testament to your resilience and adaptability in the ever-evolving real estate industry.

    3. Importance of Giving Back: Your dedication to giving back to the community and nurturing the next generation of real estate professionals is truly inspiring. Your philanthropic efforts underscore the importance of using one’s success to create positive change and empower others.

    4. Gratitude for Opportunities: Your expression of gratitude for the opportunities that have shaped your career is both humbling and admirable. Your humility and appreciation for the support you’ve received along the way serve as a reminder of the power of gratitude in fostering success and fulfillment.

    I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for your leadership and mentorship. As my former CEO, you made a profound impact on my career trajectory, and I am forever grateful for the guidance and wisdom you imparted. 🙂

    Your unwavering dedication to excellence and your commitment to empowering others make you a truly remarkable role model for aspiring individuals in the real estate industry and beyond.

    Thank you once again for sharing your insights and wisdom. I look forward to staying connected and continuing to learn from your invaluable experiences. We need to chat soon!

    With warm regards, Geoff

  2. Ira Meltzer says:

    Dottie I went up SJSU with Valerie Coleman Morris the original CNN news anchor after WPIX NY. Valery had focused on her core interest and passion – financial literacy for women, young adults and people of color, the most disenfranchised segments of the population concerning money issues

    • Dottie says:

      Hi Ira, I really appreciate you reading my blog. Valerie is a force, an Emmy winning journalist. Financial literacy is critical for any young entrepreneur. I worked for Merrill Lynch before I became CEO at Douglas Elliman Real Estate. I benifited greatly from the training and mentoring from ML. Check back for future blogs! I would love to hear your feedback.

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