Change Is Inevitable – Dottie Herman

Change Is Inevitable

Change Is Inevitable

I have always loved David Bowie. I find his music to be so creative, meaningful and full of wonder. One song in particular really speaks to me, and that’s Changes. My life has been a constant journey of learning to “Turn and face the change,” whether it was losing my mom in a horrific auto accident when I was ten or my more recent pivot to becoming the Vice Chair of Douglas Elliman.

One thing I am certain of is that change is inevitable. And while we may not always recognize the value or lessons that come with change in the moment, they’re right there, waiting for us whenever we are ready to see them.

Think about how different life is today than it was eighteen months ago. Sure, there have been a multitude of challenges, but there have also been so many silver linings. We’ve learned to adapt to whatever this new normal may be, and for most of us, we’ve grown through the unexpected and unimaginable.

Change requires resilience.

I once heard someone describe resilience like this; “The things that once annoyed me, now amuse me.”

After I heard that, I thought about it for a minute. I loved that description.

In a world where everything is in high demand and short supply, whether its toilet paper or appliances, isn’t there great hope when we learn, “it’s ok. I can wait.” Frustrating? For sure. Life threatening? Not usually.

Let’s take a minute and reflect on all that we are grateful for today. How blessed our lives truly are and how lucky we are to have one another. There’s so much happening all around us, and yet-life goes on. We adjust and we bloom where we are planted.

September is a time for change. Whether you’re looking to change jobs (you may want to look for resume writing services if you’re at it) or move to a new house or even simply paint a room, accept that change and work to better it.

The temperatures begin to drop.

The leaves begin to fall.

The hustle and bustle of city life start to pick up its pace as we wave goodbye to summer.

While we let go of the carefree days of summer, let’s embrace the newness of what’s ahead with open arms. Let’s show one another we care. Let’s be the change we want to see in the world by doing random acts of kindness.

Pay someone a compliment. Tell someone you miss them. Say I love you to someone you haven’t said it to for a while. Go easy on yourself.

The only thing that stays the same in this world, is change.

So welcome it. And let it take you wherever it is you need to go.

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